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What is a Database and how can new technologies shape the future of online databases?

What is a Database and how can new technologies shape the future of online databases?

A Marketing article written by Elle Meech

In this week’s blog, we will be asking the question "What is a database?" Simply put, a database is information that has been collected, organised and stored in one easy, accessible place much like an electronic filing cabinet. One of the best examples of a database is probably a program most computer users have accessed at one time in their lives, Microsoft Excel. Where Excel is a spreadsheet, a database still takes on a very similar form as a spreadsheet. Databases will most likely contain columns and rows, for example, a phone book with information such as first name, last name and phone number. Databases are much more powerful than spreadsheets with a multitude of available actions, however, it is how we access them that is changing.

In the past databases were stored within a company’s infrastructure, meaning the need for extra data space. Many different types of  databases may be kept in different places such as members, inventories and transactions. This can make it difficult to compare certain facts and figures in a simple no fuss manner. However, in recent years Structured Query Language (SQL) has advanced to allow updating and querying databases easier. With the advancement of SQL and the ability to store large amounts of data in the cloud, companies are beginning to opt for online client databases hosted by third parties. By hosting in the cloud off site, it does not only allow for all of the information to be stored in one place, it also significantly cuts the need for onsite data storage.
These days companies have the option of installing and implementing a customer relationship management system (CRM). This is also a form of database with powerful solutions that can help improve costs, processes and much more. A CRM allows for the automation of a lot of everyday business processes, such as administration, member management and meetings. Being able to access a large database of customers, clients or members within a CRM can be extremely beneficial. CRMs are accessed online, and the information entered into the database is most likely stored on a third party server within 'the cloud'. The other benefit of ‘the cloud’ storage is a backup of the information within the database being stored outside of your company’s infrastructure.
Where a regular database or simple spreadsheet is accessible from a file on your computer, USB stick or email, the machine accessing the information still needs the relevant software and storage capabilities to access it. An online database or CRM is accessible from almost anywhere provided you have a working Internet connection and web browser. One CRM solution available on the market is Member Evolution. This software compiles a database of members for organisations and busineses such as associations. The information is then accessible from anywhere with search features and so much more. So, when it comes to the question "What is a database?", with ever-changing technology and genius software developers, the answer will change and become more advanced, so keep checking back for the next big thing in databases!