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Blog Archive for August 2013

LG Reveals Smartphone Snapdragon 800 Processor - LinkedIn Allows you to Apply for Jobs on your Phone - Stylus Moves Content

A Marketing article written by Elle Meech
Technology developments this week has seen LinkedIn move more into the mobile phone space with the release of a new way to apply for jobs via your mobile device. This step forward for LinkedIn makes sense with more and more consumers using their mobile phones while on the go.

How to Successfully Visually Plan your Next Website

A Design article written by Lynne Newbury
There are a number of measurable factors that come into play when deciding whether it's time for a new website redesign.

What is Schema.org and How can you Use it?

A Development article written by Elle Meech
Schema is a structured database system that is supported by database management (DBMS). Schema is all about finding the relationship between information and data while making it easier for search engines to deliver the right information to the user.
Schema.org offers a range of different codes such as HTML tags that are used by webmasters to markup pages. These pages are then recognised by the large search engine providers such as Bing, Yahoo!, Google and Yandex.

Yahoo beats Google in Traffic for the first time since 2011

A Marketing article written by Elle Meech
For the first time since May 2011 Yahoo outdid Google in the number of search results, regaining the number one position. Yahoo shares got a 2% increase during the early trading, and these results have shocked everyone.