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Blog Archive for February 2013

Drupal Facebook Modules Part 1

A Marketing article written by

In this month's blog we will be focusing on different key Drupal Facebook modules. These free modules developed by Drupal allow Aspedia and other developers to incorporate many features of Facebook that link to websites. These sets of modules are a platform for developing Facebook applications for Drupal. There are many features that can be added to any website for a smooth crossover with a company Facebook account. Part 1 will address the functionality of the like/share buttons highlighting the usefulness and reach a Facebook page can get.

Drupal Facebook Modules Part 2

A Development article written by Elle Meech
This week's Drupal Facebook modules blog will be taking a look at two more features that can ensure a simple yet advanced connection between your website and your Facebook page. The great thing about these modules is not only are they open source (and free), they are often available within one complete module. This time around we'll be taking a closer look at the follow button, comments feature and the like box.

Drupal Facebook Modules Part 3

A Development article written by Elle Meech
In the third instalment of the Drupal Facebook modules month of blogs we will be taking a look at the recommendation features that can be added to any Drupal site. Recommendations can give your company, product or organisation credit among social network users. Not only can it show that people recommend what you have to offer, it can give you exposure on users' and their friends' social network page.
Implementing these modules can be a great way to gain exposure and is simple and easy to use allowing smooth integration.

Drupal Facebook Modules Part 4

A Development article written by

The final instalment of the Drupal Facebook modules month of blogs will conclude with taking a look at the feed dialog function, which offers the user a few options when sharing content. The second modules will focus on shared activities and how the user can monitor what type of content is shared on your Facebook page and website. Facepile is the final feature which can allow you to track users who have interacted with your site.

Blogged Down – Why do we Blog?

A Marketing article written by Elle Meech

Staring at a blank sheet of paper or scrolling through hundreds of different blogs and news articles trying to come up with an amazing idea to capture an audience can be a tough ask. So why do we do it?

There are many different reasons people blog, both personal and professional, including benefits such as SEO, internet marketing and even for that five minutes of fame.