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Frequently Asked Questions - Domains & Hosting

Domain Name Hosting allows people to find your email address and website. 

The name you have purchased sits on our DNS server (different to a web hosting server) and when a user is searching for you, we direct them where to find your details. The DNS server points to where IP addresses are for your website and e-mail inboxes.

You are not required to have domain name hosting to keep holding onto the name you have purchased (called domain name registration and renewal), but it is a service you will require if you want people to find you online. Many companies offer DNS hosting, however, if you keep your website, domain names and DNS hosting all in one place it is easier for you to update details.

Domain names are similar to a licence.

As you hold the domain name licence you can do what you want with it. All domain names we register are registered in the customer's name. This means that for the duration of the registration period YOU are the licence holder of the domain name.

When the licence is due for renewal, you will have to pay a renewal fee. If you do not renew the licence, then it will become available for any eligible applicant to register on a first come first served basis on the Domain Open Market. This is why it is very important to pay your renewal fee for your domain name every year before the due date. If you don't you will get caught out and lose the rights over your Domain Name and you will also lose the use of your website.

A "top-level" (or TLD) domain is what comes after the last dot in a webname. The most commonly known top-level domains are .com, .net, .org and .au. The top level domain types .com, .net and .org have been around for several years (since the Internet took its current form). Most of the possible (and comprehensible) domains have been allocated from those domain types. There are also country-specific top-level domains, such as .uk for the United Kingdom and .au for Australia. The .au country-specific TLD is one of the best regulated (see AUDA) TLDs and all domains within it are precisely and comprehensively allocated (thats our job!).

.au is the top level domain for all Australian domains. .au webnames are your opportunity to reach a worldwide audience with information about you, your ideas, or your organisation.

Within the .au top level domain there are five domain types under management by AusRegistry - .com.au and .net.au, .org.au, .id.au and .asn.au. Each of these domain types serves a specific purpose in the community. By choosing the right domain type for your website's domain, you can reach the relevant audience that you require.

1. Domain names are your Internet address. Most domains are registered by business as a way of providing information and a means of communication to their customers. Many businesses register their domains in multiple countries in order to protect their brand. Owning your own domain also allows you to have a personalized email address and website if purchased with hosting. Rather then using generic emails like hotmail and gmail you have setup, you can have an individualised email e.g. joe@joesbuilding.com.

2. Domain names are portable. With your own domain name, you are no longer tied to your ISP to access email or host your website. No more changing email addresses when you change ISP's!

3. Domain names improve search engine rankings. Search engines rank websites with their own domain names higher than those using an ISP address.

4. Domain names show professionalism. Why advertise a website address like: http://www.yourisp.com/user123/ when you could have www.yourdomain.com. Your customers will be more confident dealing with your company if you have your own identity on the internet for your website and email.

5. Domain names are memorable. A long website or email address at your ISP can be difficult to remember. A short, relevant domain name is memorable and will increase traffic to your site.


A domain name (e.g. aspedia.com.au) is your own unique address on the Internet. It is how your customers will remember you and find you among the millions of other web sites on the Internet.

Yes you can have several domain names pointing to the main domain name. For example it would be beneficial to have both .com.au as well as .com or even .net. and .net.au. That way if a client accidentally puts one of these in it will still go to your website.

The quicker you can fill in the Transfer Form and send it to us the better as it can take up to 10 working days for a transfer to come through.

If we look after your domain name as well as your website then you only have one company you need to call for any changes or support. This will save you time and money.

As we are a local company you will be able to contact us and speak to a "real person" not a computerised message.


Aspedia can help you with this. All you have to do is fill out a Domain Name Purchase Form

We will do the rest.

All domain names are $110 per annum

Domain names are renewed every 2 years

  1. .com.au or .net.au domains are $137.50 for 2 years
  2. .com or net domains are $99.00 for 2 years

Two important pieces of information is required:

1. Domain name

2. Password


To obtain your domain name password if you don't already have it you will need to contact the Person/Company that currently manages it.

Once you have these two items you will need to fill out a Domain name Transfer form and send it to us.

Once we receive the form and proceed with the transfer it can take up to 20 working days for the transfer to be activated.