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Audience Engagement

Secure Return Website Visits with Adfollow Remarketing

Increase the number of consumers that return to your site with the Audience Engagement Advantage with AdFollow Remarketing services.

Aspedia has taken full advantage of Google Remarketing technology by creating an all-in-one solution including design and implementation of ads to increase return visits to your site. For more information visit our AdFollow website.

Follow Your Audience

AdFollow works by tagging visitors to your site with a cookie that will populate designated audience list for advertising purposes.

This will then enable ads to be targeted to those specific users when they visit a Google Partner website (e.g YouTube) or websites accepting ads from the Google Display Network.

You can also customise the target audience you want to target by choosing different stages of interest on your site or set the audience list with a different range of criteria.

For example, you can target visitors that viewed particular pages/sections of your site but did not complete a purchase (left at checkout) or someone interested in t-shirts but not jeans.

Being able to choose who you follow can allow a unique kind of advertising many companies miss out on.

Increase Return Visits

The way AdFollow increases return visits is by showing your website's ads to the tagged users in your created audience list. This promotes excellent brand awareness by keeping your business fresh in the consumer's mind over your competitors. The user can be shown a general branding ad or the ads can be customised to promote certain products, offers or deals.

When a user clicks back through to your site this increases the chance of a conversion or purchase taking place. The great thing is you only pay when someone clicks - here at Aspedia, many of our clients find AdFollow Remarketing to be very cost-effective. Ensure you engage your audience to improve conversion and raise your brand profile online.



Increase Website Conversions

Getting previous visitors back on your site can be a great way to increase conversion and boost sales of your product or services. With Adfollow you can potentially increase your conversions by over 200% within 12 months. You don't miss out on conversions with Adfollow.

Amplify Brand Awareness

By showing ads to previous visitors to your site you can ensure your brand is always the first one on their minds. Being customers' top-of-mind will enforce your brand and further elevate your company's profile as the market leader.

Customer Loyalty

One of the best ways to increase revenue is to improve customer loyalty to your brand. AdFollow provides the ability to track people who are repeat buyers on your site. You can then reward them with special offers to build closer customer relationship hence increasing customer loyalty.

Grow Your Business

AdFollow can help you grow your business expeditiously by immediately advertising to website users. By capturing a point where a user leaves, you can quickly adjust and remarket to the needs of these users. This approach can help your business expand with ease.

Ready to take the next step?